Thursday, 10 January 2019

Cloud Hosting Vs Traditional Shared Hosting? Which is better for you.

Matching the moving trend in online market! Cloud Hosting Vs Traditional Shared Hosting

Many times its been asked that which one is faster Hosting option in term of performance and reliabilities. If we continue to compare between the Cloud Hosting and Traditional Shared Hosting, we need to lookup comparison with various points. Let's see the list of the components which are basic requirements of the good hosting, I can name few like Server Resources, Configuration, Management, Scalability, and Performance. Also, security is one of important factor of hosting. Addition to it another important fact is hosting Cost! Yes, the cost is majorly involved in taking the decision of selecting the best hosting for your website/business.

Traditional shared hosting is been used for long ages and found it most helpful for the beginner and the individual developers, most of the shared hosting provides common features with it and the limited resources to the website. Shared hosting is like traveling into the ship were a lot of other websites are traveling with you and utilizes the resources available on the same ship. In hosting resources means server disk capacity, memory available on the server, CPU consumption by each website. So overall it's like having a single kg cake and you have to share it with a dozen of your friends, I am sure you won't like it when you are hungry.

Cloud Hosting gives you better place and treatment when it comes to resources, scalability, performance and also hands-on management tools to manipulate with it. With these tools, we can turn on and off additional computing resources to match-up the website resources required to get it working smoother, base on the online traffic, product popularity and business expansions plan.  Though you can find cloud hosting with higher prices you can ignore it if you really need a premium option that boosts performance, reliability, and scalability.

Server Resources, Website/Application Configuration, and Hosting Management tools 

As per my experience, traditional hosting has proven time to time that if something got infected on server can kill or disturb everything on server, indirectly no matters how secure is your code or application hosted on your website but if other website or application which is buggy or infected can cause trouble to your website/entire server. This happens many times as the resources like disk space, bandwidth, memory are shared and used by all the 500-700 users/website hosted on the same server which has limited resources and lack of scalability without downtime. This takes you in a cage where you cannot prevent yourself from getting an effect from the user which is abusing or infected. The best example of shared hosting problem is Mail issues, Blacklisting of IP etc.

Cloud Hosting premium option help your website to sort out these problems where all the cloud hosting is segregated from other users/website from the cloud hosting to cloud hosting and no relation is maintained with resources like disk space, bandwidth, memory. Whatever is allocated to your cloud hosting is ALL YOURS and no one can use it or affect it indirectly. Hence you can consider cloud hosting as a more secure option than traditional shared hosting.

Comparison of performance level with Traditional Shared Hosting VS Cloud Hosting

We have looked at differences between Shared hosting and cloud Hosting but now let's see the
Common Features 

24x7 Customer Service: 

Technical support and the expert team is most important to have reliable hosting, the support should be 24x7 to assist quickly. You are in safe hands with such hosting provider because it assures 24x7x365 days real-time technical Live chat and Email support.

Data Migration Services :

Due to the lack of technical skills many times you need to run to hosting provider to help you in data migration from one hosting provider to another. You can sign up and ask your hosting provider to migrate your data sometimes hosting provider provides this services free of cost in an efficient and seamless way without any data loss.

Uptime guarantees: 

Traditional Hosting also provides a certain level of option but if you compare with the cloud, cloud hosting gives much better uptime and resources performance. Data accessibility is much higher with cloud hosting as no fear of data loss due to the hardware failure or crashes.

Custom hosting plans according to the client's requirements.
Many of traditional shared hosting is available with fix resources and predesigned hosting packages but as with cloud hosting you can manage your resources as and when needed by the customer. You can manage it through the management tools which is available under the Cloud Hosting option.

Visit - Hostripples Best Cloud Hosting Company

Sunday, 30 December 2018

Best Ways to Increase Your Productivity Quickly

In today’s article, we are going to see some techniques that allow you to boost your performance by a few more percentage and the best part is that it is scientifically proven backed by research data. So let’s get into this magical thing!!

See a group of researchers went to a company that they were doing a lot of training and they separated the people into two groups. Group A did just their own things in same old fashion way and Group B did the same things, same training but the only difference was at the end of the day Group B would spend 15 minutes and each of people would journal and reflect on what they learned.

So everybody was in the same training, they did the standardized test and what the researcher should discover was that Group B, the people they did journaling at the end of the day they were about 22.8% better. That was the research. Believe me, the biggest difference was what they called Self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is the very fancy word meaning nothing else than your own beliefs of how good you are at the company while leading the task.

So it is nothing more than building confidence in your own ability to perform to complete the tasks. So we are going to talk about journaling and how that can boost your performance by up to a few more percents and notice it how it's done.

Productive Journaling:– There is a difference between Journaling Vs Productive Journaling. So today we will see how to do it. How to transform the productivity, your performance, and your focus, your self-reflection, your confidence has always amazing benefits that we are going to see or discover a new way to start doing daily work.

So let’s go ahead and see how you apply productive journaling in all through your life.

Rule 1: - is that ‘There are no Rules’. – Don’t over complicate it. Productive Journaling is nothing more than taking some time at the end of your day to journal and self reflect on what you learned, what happened throughout the day. So don’t over complicate.

There are no rules. There is nothing that is going to say perform the given task in 7 minutes rather than 9 minutes and your performance is magically improved. Just do it. Don’t over complicate it. At the end of the day just take out some time. You need 5 minutes or 30 minutes whatever makes you happy. No rules, No structure, no restrictions, just journal. Just think about what happened today, what did happen today and just joy over it. So Rule – 1 – There are no rules. This is the biggest rule of the productive Journal. Having said that we are going to see a couple of guidelines, these are things that I have discovered towards which are work for me. So they might work for you.

Let’s move on- Rule -2: – is what worked today? What did you do today that really worked, really made you increase the performance that made you get closer to your goals? What worked and Why? So just think about it and journal in any form that makes you happy. Just think about what worked today? The other thing is very helpful; it is what didn’t work today? Because what learned today is as much more important as what didn’t work today.

So be honest with yourself, check what happened today that didn’t work out that you want and why? Maybe you did a mistake, this happens, you lost your focus so you had no energy whatever it might be something didn’t work. Think about what I didn’t work on and try to figure out maybe next day how can you make it work?

Then another thing is”MMT”. An MMT stands for “Most Meaningful Task”. I like to journal 3 most meaningful tasks for tomorrow. These are the 3 meaningful tasks no doubts or no questions about it. These are the things which I need to accomplish; these are the must things the most meaningful task. By this time tomorrow I would like to accomplish this, this and this. Might there be no success unless I do those 3 things?

So define them from the day before. You can physically write it down on a piece of paper, just put it on top of your desk. This way tomorrow when you go for work you can just immediately come to know what I need to do today. This allows you to ground yourself and remind yourself to accomplish today. It help you reflect, it helps you learn, so if you improve by 1 person every single day in around a few days or less than a few months you are going to double your skills. If you find 1% improvement in your daily journaling you are going to double your skills every few days and that is powerful.


Another thing to keep in mind is to include all aspects of your life in your journal. Think about your personal life as well as professional life. The productivity is not only related with work, it includes everything in your life because if you are having a hard time at home or at the office if you are enjoying your life there is no way that can be productive. So everything is together. Learn from every aspect of your life.

The last thing is set a reminder. Make it a habit. If you set reminder separate from what you usually used during your work days, so during work if you use this reminder or kind of calendar or application you might get interested in work.

It will make you more honest, confident, using productive journaling.

Friday, 2 November 2018

Difference between a virtual desktop and terminal server computing environment

The first difference between the virtual desktop and the terminal server computing environment is the local computer:

With a terminal server, you will need to have a PC that is located in your office or in your organization in order to communicate with a cloud server but be sure that it is protected from viruses. With a VDI, there is no need for a local desktop. You can replace your computer with an ADAR monitor and even be able to use a dual screen configuration.

Another important difference is the ability to customize software that is available to your users. With a terminal server, the same setup software is installed for every user, even if some may need to use a more basic license. With virtual desktops, each computer can have its own setup software. Some users can use the most advanced version while others can use a standard one.

In a terminal server environment each user’s virtual session runs on the same hardware and shares resources with others on the system if one of the users is running resource-intensive process, the performance of all others will suffer while the task is running; on the other hand each virtual desktop gets its own dedicated set of resources.

If one of the users is running the same resource-intensive tasks only their performance will be affected and no one else’s.

Terminal servers run a server class windows operating system such as Windows Server 2008, some software packages are not designed to run on such an Operating system and may not be installed properly. VDI desktop’s run standard desktop-class operating systems such as Windows 7 or Windows XP.

All software’s are compatible with this system. The terminal server is designed for running business software and it is not well suited for multimedia content such as video and audio. Playing a video may appear choppy and play without sound.

The virtual desktop technology was designed specifically to replace the local desktop without sacrificing functionality and performance. Therefore even multimedia content plays smoothly on a VDI system, just as it would on a traditional PC.

Similar to Video, manipulating large graphics on a terminal server may be challenging while VDI performance is fast and smooth. Locally attached USB devices are not accessible within a virtual session on a terminal server while on a virtual desktop they are to securely access a terminal server, you are required to run VPN software when you are working remotely this requires using a traditional PC, Mac or Desktop computer.

The VDI system has military-grade encryption built in and does not require special VPN software. Therefore a virtual desktop can be accessed from any internet connected device including iPads, iPhones, and androids.

When working on a terminal server, users may need to switch from one screen to another when trying to view multimedia and toggle between their business application in a virtual session and the multimedia content on their local desktop. With VDI everything is done from a single screen without having to switch back and forth.

Monday, 1 October 2018

JavaScript : How does it works? and What it does?

In this article, we will be discussing What is JavaScript? and What it does? with the help of some examples. So let's first try to answer one question i.e. What is JavaScript?

So, first let's get one thing away that JavaScript has nothing to do with Java. JavaScript is not Java. In fact, these are the most popular languages, with similar names is unfortunate, because they really have nothing to do with each other.

But like Java, JavaScript is also a programming language and probably the most popular and widely used in the world now. So What does JavaScript do? Well ! as said earlier JavaScript is a programming language and what that effectively means is that it allows you to program or you can think of it is possible bossing around the web.

You can use it either to program web browsers, you can also use it to program servers, in this article we will be looking at examples and mostly talking about things that are client side only but as far as the language itself everything you learn about JavaScript will be applicable to programming a web browser or working with technology is like a node or the server-side JavaScript environments.

JavaScript creates interactivity. So that means it allows things in the browser which would previously in the early days of the web generally static that is your page would download, it would load some images and really the only moment or the changes you might see would be in the form of animation or something on those lines.

JavaScript lets you create very rich interactivity. These days JavaScript is taking over for areas of interactivity that maybe 5 or 6 years ago were entirely done with flash.

But JavaScript has the advantage of working on many modern mobile devices, so if you are looking at a website on phone or other forms of mobile computing platforms and you would see interactivity where things are moving around or there are visual effects things like that and if it is working on those devices then they have been created using JavaScript.

If you really want to see some of the things that JavaScript does then try disabling JavaScript in your browser at some point and observe browsing a web and watch what happens. A lot of things kind of disappear or kind of break or if they work, they work in different ways.

Ideally, websites would be built so that JavaScript is not required because there are a lot of environments where it does not work. That's a technique which we call progressive enhancement. But you would certainly see a lot of modern websites the things that just absolutely do not work or do not completely inaccessible when a JavaScript is turned off.

So let us take a look at some of the examples:
For Example, JavaScript is all over the place on Twitter. We have simple things like being able to expand the tweets to see the retweets that are in JavaScript. A sign-in box is in JavaScript. Scroll down the page at a certain point more tweets load automatically it is also done using JavaScript, even we can pull in a photo so already everywhere JavaScript is used. The slideshow on the home page, little visual sliding effects this also done using JavaScript.

Let us try to watch this website by disabling JavaScript again and when it reloads the website will also show a message that the JavaScript is not active in your browser. You will find out that the slideshows are not working. If you reload twitter, you cannot get to sign in a box, you can see tweets but at a certain point at the bottom it starts spinning continuously, scrolled will spin forever.

There are other examples of JavaScript all over the web. Like web game = cut the rope, Google maps are also built using JavaScript and other technologies but no flash.
it has been used extensively all over the web.

I hope you I helped you!!!

Visit- HostMyWeb

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Introduction to Cookie? How They evolved on Internet?

If you read the news every now and then, you have probably heard of cookies on the internet. But what actually is a Cookie?

When cookies were invented they basically were little documents containing helpful information about you and your preferences. For Example:- Assume that you are trying to select a certain language for a website you would visit. At that time you would tell the website that I would like to view your website in say English. The website then sends that information to a little document called as a cookie on your computer.

So thus the next time when you try to visit that website, then it would be able to read the cookie it saved earlier. That way the website could remember your language and let you view the website in English, without you having to select your language again.

Really easy right? But wait! the cookies are not limited to remembering just your language. But in fact, a cookie can contain pretty much any kind of information; it can contain the time you visited a website or it can contain the items you added to your shopping cart. It can even contain all the links you clicked on a certain website, much like having a track on the internet.

A cookie can only contain so much text, but apart from its size, the possibilities are endless. What exactly is saved to a cookie is up to the creator of the website you are visiting. Now, in contrast to the stuff a cookie can contain there, there are limits to who can read your cookies. Imagine that you first visit the website that we talked about earlier and you told that website that your language is English. This is then saved to a cookie on your computer. If you would then visit a different website later, then the latter would not be able to read the cookie from the first website. In simple words, we can say that only the same website that saves information to a cookie can access it.

Since the beginning of cookies, the popularity of these clever little helpers exploded and they gradually evolved into a more complex, yet essential part of the internet. During the evolution, the amount of data cookies contained started to grow. At first, they contained just a few preferences like your language and maybe your preferred layout for a website. But soon the developers realized that the more information they could store about you, the better you could suit your needs. So cookie started containing more and more data and eventually started pushing their size limitations.

Subsequently, developers came up with a clever workaround i.e. what if they would simply store a unique id in a cookie on your computer and save the rest of the data in their own system? That way they could save the unlimited amount of the data. The cookie would simply serve as an identifier for your computer, using which website can recognize you and look up your data in its own system.
This was the first leap towards so-called third-party cookies. As mentioned earlier only the same website that saved data to a cookie can access it later. But one website can actually contain bits of another website. These bits and pieces of other websites embedded in the website you are visiting are actually able to access cookies they saved to your computer earlier.

Imagine visiting a new website, apart from news articles, many news websites contain a couple of ads. These ads are in most of the cases bits of other websites, embedded into the news website. Now the news website you are looking at may not have saved any cookies to your computer and thus know nothing about you. But where do the ads come from?

It is not unlikely that the ads on the news website are embedded from the same website as the ads on another website you visited earlier. In fact, you may visit dozens of websites with ads which are all embedded from the same website.

So what does this means? This means that if the website the ads come from has saved a cookie to your computer earlier, it cm identify you and save information about you through other websites. So while you are reading that news website, shopping for new items, looking up for some information or reading a blog etc. the ads on those websites can identify you,  look up your information in their own system and dynamically show ads that you are most likely to be interested in while simultaneously solving information about what you are doing online.

So Is this a bad thing? Are the cookies dangerous? That depends really upon the creators of a website to determine what information they do and do not store and most importantly what they use that information for.

Cookies are just a tool. Just like a hammer or a saw they can be used for bad things, but they are intended to be used for good things . The responsibility lies with the people putting them to use.

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Difference between Hub, Switch and Router

In this article, we are going to see the difference between a hub, switch, and router. All these 3 devices are similar but there is a difference between the way in which they handle the data. So let's first talk about a hub.


The purpose of the hub is to connect all of your network devices together on an internal network. It is a device that has multiple ports that accept Ethernet connections from network devices. Now a hub is considered not to be intelligent. Because it does not filter any more data or has any intelligence as to where the data is supposed to be sent that is because the only thing hub knows is when a device is connected to one of its ports. So when a data packet arrives at one of the ports it is copied to all of the other ports. So all the devices on that hub see that data packet. So again a data packet comes into one port then the hub will just copy the data to all other ports to which devices are connected.

So even if one computer on the network only wants to communicate with another computer then the other computers will still receive the data, even though the data was not intended for them. So when this situation occurs then it not only creates security concerns but also creates unnecessary traffic on the network which wastes bandwidth.


It is very similar to the hub. It is also a device that has multiple ports that accepts Ethernet connections from networks devices. But unlike a hub, a switch is intelligent. A Switch can actually learn the physical addresses of the devices that do not really connected to it and it stores these physical addresses called Mac addresses in its switch table. So when a data packet is sent to a switch it is only directed to the intended destination port, unlike a hub where hub broadcasts the data to every port.

So as an example assume that there is a network and one computer on a network wanted to communicate to another computer then the data packet arrives at a switch and then the switch will look at its table containing Mac addresses and matching ports and deliver the data packet to the correct port. And then the data packet would go to only that computer so that is a major difference between a hub and a switch.

So as a result switches are far more preferred over hubs because they reduce any unnecessary traffic on the network.

As a review, we can say that a hub will only detect that device which is physically connected to it and a switch can detect specific devices that are connected to it because it keeps the record of the Mac addresses of those devices.

Hub and switches are used to exchange data with a local area network for ex: in your home network or in your business. They are not used to exchange data outside their own network. Such as route on the internet because to exchange data such as route outside their own network to another, a device needs to be able to read IP addresses and hub and switches do not read IP addresses. So that is where a router comes into the picture.

Router : -

A router does exactly what its name implies. A router is a device that routes data from one network to another based on their IP address. When a data packet is received from a router the router inspects the data's IP address and determines if the packet was meant for his own network or if it is meant for another network. If the router determines the data packet is meant for its own network then it receives it.

But if it is not meant for its own network then it sends it off to another network. So a router is a gateway of a network. For ex : assume that you have a private network with its router and will refer to this as XYZ network. Also, consider that there are different data packets which represent different IP addresses and they are going to be entering in the XYZ network from the internet. Now the router will be going to accept the data packet with XYZ. Because they are the only ones that are intended for this network and all of the other data packets with different names will be rejected by this router because they were not intended for this network because their IP addresses were not meant for this network.

You can consider an expanded view of the routers over the internet. Suppose there are 5 routers indicated by different names and each network has their own router along with hubs or switches along with the computers. So you can imagine that each network is exchanging information in their own network. Their data will not go out on the internet.

So the computer sends their data and it goes to the network's router and once the data packet reaches its router, the router will lookout for an IP address of the data packet and then forward the data out on the internet to the next router and then makes its way to the PQR network router and then to the intended destination computer.

So, in a nutshell, this is how routers work. So the conclusion is: Hubs and switches are used to connect networks.

Saturday, 18 August 2018

Difference Between Web Designer and Web Developer

The reason for writing this article is that a lot of people are still confused between a Web Designer and a Web Developer. They don't know the difference between a Web Designer and a Web Developer i.e. What does a Web Designer do? or What does a Web Developer do?

Peoples often use these terms interchangeably or they use these terms for referring to a same person i.e. they consider these two terms are same as per the job description. Sometimes larger companies also seem to be confused about these terms. Therefore, in this article, we are trying to define these terms or we are going to discuss these terms as per their job description.

So let's learn about Web Designer:-

A Web Designer is a person who does the graphical design of the website or web application and so we can say that a web designer mainly works in HTML or CSS or use another graphical program like Photoshop or illustrator etc.

A web designer designs the graphical user interface and also designs the different things like icons, typography, Color schemes and all the styles cape of the web page.

Let's learn about Web Developer:-

A Web developer, on the other hand, is usually a development part of the web project. So you have a web developer who does the programming or coding in PHP, Java, or Flash etc. The developer thus ties these things together and also works with the database structure, in case if your site deals with database structure.

The developer does the connection to other websites like Facebook interfacing or Twitter interfacing etc. So a developer engineers the program that makes the website run properly.
Some of you might want to know that Can I hire a person who is both a web designer or web developer? Then the answer is Yes! You can.

These people are called by different names like Hybrid - designer or User Experience Designer and these people usually do both i.e. Web Designing as well as Web Developing and they are usually skilled in user experience i.e. What does the user wants to do on their website and how does the user reach his/her goals? Now more and more people are emerging with these skills.

Usually, a good web designer focuses on the designing part of the website or project. It is good to have someone who really focuses on these graphical part of the website or project and it's really good to have someone who is really sincere about designing. At the same time, it is really good to see someone who is really good at developing a program behind the website or application.

But some people really love doing both i.e. web designing and web developing and they love to be creative i.e. designing the graphical part of the website as well as styling the website. There are some people who think that with this ability you cannot focus on both designing and coding things. They think that there is a lot more to learn in this case, who some people don't like to do. But if you are really interested in doing both the things then you should do it and you will definitely become good with it at some point.

Cloud Hosting Vs Traditional Shared Hosting? Which is better for you.

Matching the moving trend in online market! Cloud  Hosting  Vs Traditional Shared Hosting Many times its been asked that which one ...