In today’s article, we are going to see some techniques that allow you to boost your performance by a few more percentage and the best part is that it is scientifically proven backed by research data. So let’s get into this magical thing!!
See a group of researchers went to a company that they were doing a lot of training and they separated the people into two groups. Group A did just their own things in same old fashion way and Group B did the same things, same training but the only difference was at the end of the day Group B would spend 15 minutes and each of people would journal and reflect on what they learned.
So everybody was in the same training, they did the standardized test and what the researcher should discover was that Group B, the people they did journaling at the end of the day they were about 22.8% better. That was the research. Believe me, the biggest difference was what they called Self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is the very fancy word meaning nothing else than your own beliefs of how good you are at the company while leading the task.
So it is nothing more than building confidence in your own ability to perform to complete the tasks. So we are going to talk about journaling and how that can boost your performance by up to a few more percents and notice it how it's done.
Productive Journaling:– There is a difference between Journaling Vs Productive Journaling. So today we will see how to do it. How to transform the productivity, your performance, and your focus, your self-reflection, your confidence has always amazing benefits that we are going to see or discover a new way to start doing daily work.
So let’s go ahead and see how you apply productive journaling in all through your life.
Rule 1: - is that ‘There are no Rules’. – Don’t over complicate it. Productive Journaling is nothing more than taking some time at the end of your day to journal and self reflect on what you learned, what happened throughout the day. So don’t over complicate.
There are no rules. There is nothing that is going to say perform the given task in 7 minutes rather than 9 minutes and your performance is magically improved. Just do it. Don’t over complicate it. At the end of the day just take out some time. You need 5 minutes or 30 minutes whatever makes you happy. No rules, No structure, no restrictions, just journal. Just think about what happened today, what did happen today and just joy over it. So Rule – 1 – There are no rules. This is the biggest rule of the productive Journal. Having said that we are going to see a couple of guidelines, these are things that I have discovered towards which are work for me. So they might work for you.
Let’s move on- Rule -2: – is what worked today? What did you do today that really worked, really made you increase the performance that made you get closer to your goals? What worked and Why? So just think about it and journal in any form that makes you happy. Just think about what worked today? The other thing is very helpful; it is what didn’t work today? Because what learned today is as much more important as what didn’t work today.
So be honest with yourself, check what happened today that didn’t work out that you want and why? Maybe you did a mistake, this happens, you lost your focus so you had no energy whatever it might be something didn’t work. Think about what I didn’t work on and try to figure out maybe next day how can you make it work?
Then another thing is”MMT”. An MMT stands for “Most Meaningful Task”. I like to journal 3 most meaningful tasks for tomorrow. These are the 3 meaningful tasks no doubts or no questions about it. These are the things which I need to accomplish; these are the must things the most meaningful task. By this time tomorrow I would like to accomplish this, this and this. Might there be no success unless I do those 3 things?
So define them from the day before. You can physically write it down on a piece of paper, just put it on top of your desk. This way tomorrow when you go for work you can just immediately come to know what I need to do today. This allows you to ground yourself and remind yourself to accomplish today. It help you reflect, it helps you learn, so if you improve by 1 person every single day in around a few days or less than a few months you are going to double your skills. If you find 1% improvement in your daily journaling you are going to double your skills every few days and that is powerful.
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Another thing to keep in mind is to include all aspects of your life in your journal. Think about your personal life as well as professional life. The productivity is not only related with work, it includes everything in your life because if you are having a hard time at home or at the office if you are enjoying your life there is no way that can be productive. So everything is together. Learn from every aspect of your life.
The last thing is set a reminder. Make it a habit. If you set reminder separate from what you usually used during your work days, so during work if you use this reminder or kind of calendar or application you might get interested in work.
It will make you more honest, confident, using productive journaling.